Son Bathing on the Dock

Hey y’all,

I wish every last one of you could have been with me on my dock this morning! Worship was sooooooo sweet that I gave in to the strongest need to go face down– as in, face to dock in gratitude. I do believe Dixie Belle thought I had finally lost what was left of my mind. I heard her creep closer from her resting spot and when I sat up she was looking at me with her famous sideways puzzled look. 

I’ll admit, the thought did cross my mind that I might appear to be in trouble to any passing good samaritains, but the good news is that no concerned fishermen came to my rescue. I’m happy to report that I didn’t have any company, (unless there was an angel or two resting in the cypress trees, and really— who’s to say? 🙂


Have you ever beheld Him until you had to go facedown?


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