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https://belleofallthingssouthern.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/SHELLIE-DIXIE-BELL-TRIBUTE-FOR-FB-.mp3 Rest in Peace Dixie Belle Today's Radio Tribute You came to me at Christmas, a little brown ball of fur wearing a solid red collar. You were a gift from my son. I remember sleeping with you on your pallet those first few nights while you whined for your mother. It didn't take you long to decide that I would do. And just like that your nervous energy

Do y'all remember this post: http://shellierushingtomlinson.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/do-i-look-like-charlie-brown/ where I asked if I looked like Charlie Brown? Well, the madness continues. I'm beginning to think I'm lost in a Peanuts cartoon strip. If you're a regular around the ATS porch, you know that one of my daily duties is to play tennis with Dixie Belle, AKA the Squirrel Patrol Czar. I have long since given up merely throwing her ball. I

Hey y'all, I would love to say that I wrote these rules. I did not. They came via an email, but Dixie Belle and I have laughed ourselves silly over it. We have concurred that it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and hence, important for us to share. Dog Rules 1. The dog is NOT allowed in the house. 2. Okay, the