When It Seems Too Much To Ask

What would prayer do?

Those words dropped in my heart around midnight several weeks ago with such power that it woke me from a deep sleep. I slept lightly the rest of the night, drifting in and out of full consciousness, but always with that phrase presenting itself front and center in my thoughts.  What would prayer do?

I knew it was a riff of the line, “What would Jesus do?” but I also knew the Spirit of God was using the question to talk to me. I recognized His voice both by the weightiness of the words and by the way He teaches me.

Meditating on those words has been enlightening to say the the least. Through them, I’ve become aware that even though I’ve come to love and value prayer, there are some things I’m just not prone to pray about because… well, there seems to be a number of reasons.

Because it just seems like “it” is always how “it” will be.

Because I used to pray about “it” and nothing changed.

Because “it” seems like too much to ask.

Because __________________.

You fill in the blank.

Why aren’t you praying about “it” when today’s prayers could be a part of tomorrow’s praise?


Let us pray.

Hugs, Shellie