Why Launching a Book is Like Birthing a Baby

It hit me earlier today that launching a book feels a lot like birthing a baby. I’ve done both. Granted, it’s been a while since I birthed my human offspring but that’s not something a girl forgets.


I’m going to make this post brief unless it takes too long. (Translation: Good writing takes time and I’m ready to call it a day, or rather a night.) Towards that goal, let’s do the top three, ‘k?


Number 3. When it comes time to have a book/baby, you will be thrilled because you have made it to the big day without inflicting pain on the people who use their outside voices inside to inquire, “When on earth is that book/baby of yours coming out anyway?” (The temptation will be strongest when the question is asked as if you don’t want to share your little bundle of joy with the world but are keeping him/her/it all to yourself in a fit of spite.)

Number 2. When it comes time to have a book/baby you may find yourself in a phenomena called “nesting”. It’s a sudden urge to tidy up the place before you hit the road. If you are a southern belle, this can probably be attributed to the indoctrination you received from your southern mama. She has likely spent years warning that should you die in a traffic accident or, heaven forbid, be knocked in the back of the head by someone up to no good while you’re walking into your hotel, the whole world would find your house in disarray. (If you are a well-raised southern girl, you will not mention to her that should you die, you would never know if someone found your dust-bunnies or not.)

And the Number 1 way launching a book is like birthing a baby–

When it comes time to have a book/baby, you may have all sorts of well-laid plans about the launch and you may have made all sorts of vows to yourself as to how you’re going to handle the details/promotion/heavy labor with grace and aplomb. Warning: These intentions might fall like a house of cards and you will wonder if and when you can have anesthesia.

I thought of more earlier, but the baby and I need to rest now. I will be asleep in .02 seconds but if you leave me a note/tweet/or FB message I’ll get back to your tomorrow because your comments are very important to us. (Sounding like an automated recording is yet another sign that the details are getting to you.)

And speaking of the little bundle of joy, here’s the new book trailer that will tell you all about her. Blessings, y’all!


Heart Wide Open – Book Trailer from Shellie Tomlinson on Vimeo.